IoT Projects – Gamma Magic Cube

The “Wireless” project is the replacement of wired technology with RF technology in our Gamma Magic Cube. By connecting all wireless standards such as LoRaWAN, EnOcean, LTE, WLAN and many more, the Gamma Magic Cube is the perfect connector between machines, actuators and sensors.

Vehicles such as cars, trucks and tractors no longer need classic wiring looms. In a logistics environment, conveyor belts and forklift trucks can be connected to receiving and dispatching goods by radio frequency.

Cities can reorganise themselves very easily and quickly, e.g. for readout of their electricity and water meters, their central squares during demonstrations and to be able to react early in case of floods.

This means “Boundless freedom without wires” and it is now possible to realise everything that planners, designers, engineers and architects have dreamed for a long time. It is a milestone in innovation that Proway is capable of. It also offers new opportunities to reshape our industry and environment in a new and better way. The project “Wireless” created new understandings and aspects of how people, nature and technology can be reorganised.

Our Wireless Projects with the Gamma Magic Cube

  • Smart City: Networking an entire city wireless
  • Smart Farming: Managing agricultural areas, machines and buildings
  • Smart Building: Facility management at the push of a button
  • Smart Factory: Networking machines and processes wireless
  • Smart Transport: The vehicle manages itself by radio frequency - no wiring looms
  • Smart Device: Network and control machines by wireless technology
  • Smart Logistics: Incoming and outgoing goods, conveyor belts and forklift trucks are connected by RF
  • Smart Middleware: Analyses, simulations and tests in real time without wires

Scenarios for use

Smart Factory

Smart City

Smart Farming

Smart House

Scenarios for use

Technology - Wireless Standards


AWAG, Easyfit / Easysens, Eltako, Mediola, NodOn, OPUSgreenNet, Siemens, Somfy, Thermokon, Wago, …


Aqara, Bosch, Busch-Jäger, Honeywell, IKEA, Innr/Ledvance (Osram/Lightify), Miele, Panasonic, Philips Hue, Telekom, Xiaomi, …


Adeunis, Arduino, DRAGINO, ELSYS, …


Aeotec, Devolo, Fibaro, Hank, Heatit, Honeywell, Qubino, MCO, Merten, Neo, Philio, Remotec, …


AVM (Fritz!Box), Deutsche Telekom/Magenta, Gigaset, Panasonic, QIVICON, …


Busch-Jaeger, Crestron, DIVUS, Elsner Elektronik, Gira, Jung, Merten, PEAKnx, Siemens, theben, Vimar, …


Belkin WeMo, D-Link, Tado, Google Home, Netatmo Smart Home, Ring, ....


Übersicht Funkstandards und Technologien

Frequenz (MHz)8682.400 & 8688681.880 bis 1.900Bus / 868
(für Funkverbidung)
Energieverbrauchsehr niedrigniedrigniedrigniedrighochniedrig
Störanfälligkeitsehr geringmittelsehr geringsehr geringmittelhochsehr gering
Max. Übertragungsrate125 Kbit/s250 Kbit/s9,6-40 Kbit/s1,1 Mbit/s1.000-1.300
Mbit/s (WiFi5)
1-3 Mbit/s
Reichweite (innen)30 m10-15 m30 m30-50 m50 m10 m
VorteileGeringer Energieverbrauch, wartungsarm, batterie- und kabellosGeringer Energiebedarf, Entlastung der WLAN und Bluetooth-Netze, geringe Störanfälligkeit, gute ReichweiteGeringer Energiebedarf, hohe Reichweite, stöungsarm durch Nutzung des 868 Mhz Frequenzbands, robust, hohe KompatibilitätHohe Sicherheit,
einfache Installation, störungsarm durch eigenes Frequenzband
Hohe Übertragungsrate, hoher Datendurchsatz, sicherEinfache Installation, weit verbreitet - dadurch hohe Kompatibilät, unkomplizierte Handhabung, energiearm

We can connect almost all sensors and actuators from all manufacturers.

Extract of Sensor Manufacturers

AB ElektronikAVMBournsDeltaEpcosFoveonHamama TSUHottinger, Brüel & KjærJungLandis+GyrMeasurement specialtiesOmronPhilips (Hue)Scan MesstechnikSilicon LabsSteinelTT Electronics AB
ABBB & B Thermo-TechnikBroadcomDeniosEsskaFreescaleHamamatsu PhotonicsIC-HausKarl Deutsch Prüf- und MessgerätebauLegrandMerit SensorOPTEKPololuSchalk SmartecTDKTurck
AdafruitBalluffBrugg GroupEatonEsyluxGEZEHamlinIduinoKavlicoLenord+BauerMertenOsramQuickCoolSchneider ElectricSomfyTE Connectivity SensorVariohm
Advanced PhotonicsBaumer GroupBusch-JaegerEberleEverlightGIRAHaromacIEEKemetLeuze electronicMicrochipOsram OptoRademacher
Schrack SeconetSommerTele-mechaniqueVEGA Grieshaber
Agta RecordBehr Bircher Cellpack BBCCEAGEkulitFAACGlen DimplexHartmann & BraunIfm-UnternehmensgruppeKeyenceLindyMTS Systems CorporationOtt HydrometReflexSeeed StudioSparkfunTeslaVishay
Ams AGBerkerContrinexElobauFigaroGoobayHensoldtInfineon TechnologiesKingbrightLingg & JankeMurataPahlingRitto by SchneiderSensirionSpectra SymboltestoWarema Sonnen
Analog DevicesBerthold TechnologiesDallasElsoFinderGrafHeraeus NexensosinterBärKistler GruppeLTI MotionNohkenPanasonicRobert Bosch GmbHSharpSST Sensing LTD.Tewa ElectronicsWaveshare
Applied SensorBGS TechnicDatacolorEltakoFirst SensorGroheHokuyō DenkiIsocom ComponentsKlaschkaLuna Opto-electronicsNovotechnikPCE InstrumentsRopagSickSTMicro-electronicsTexas InstrumentsWIKA
Assa AbloyBindaDatalogicEndress+-HauserFlukeGrotheHoneywell (AIDC)IST AGKodenshi AUKMatoNXP (Semiconductors)PEHA by HoneywellRS PROSiemensStandex-Meder electronicsThebenWindow-master
AutosenBinsackDDKEnoceanFluxHagerHottinger Baldwin MesstechnikJUMOKrohne MesstechnikMaxim IntegratedOBO BettermannPepperl+FuchsSamson AGSika Dr. Siebert & KühnStanley by Black & DeckerTru ComponentsZF